Monday, August 30, 2010

One Hour Bread

Recipe Status: I found this recipe, and made the bread for a lesson I taught about food storage. The bread is incredibly painless to make. The nice thing is from the time you start putting ingredients in the bowl, an hour later you have four loaves of bread coming out of the oven. I admit it's not the best tasting bread on its own, especially compared to my Honey Whole Wheat bread, but when it comes to slicing it for sandwiches, there's no comparison to store bread. Not to mention it makes amazing french toast.

10.5 c bread flour or wheat flour (not All-Purpose Flour)

*I prefer 3.5 cups whole wheat & 7 cups bread flour. Nice blend.

1/2 c sugar

1 heaping tbsp salt

3 rounded tbsp instant yeast

3 tbsp liquid lecithin

4 c hot tap water

Mix dry ingredients. Add lecithin and water. Mix for one minute and check consistency. If dough is too dry add more water. Dough should be slightly sticky. Mix for five minutes. Do not add flour to the dough after it has finished mixing. Spray counter and pans and hands well with Pam. Shape loaves and cover with a dish towel or Saran wrap. Let rise 20-25 minutes. Bake on 350 for 25 minutes. Recipe makes four loaves of bread.


*Do not measure lecithin. Pour quarter sized dollops directly into the bowl. You'll thank me when you get some on your fingers.

*For whole wheat bread, use the same recipe but add one cup of applesauce as part of the hot tap water and an additional tbsp of lecithin. Mix for ten minutes.

*I make this in my Bosch. I put all the water in the bottom, add the yeast on top. Then just add all the dry ingredients, THEN the lecithin on top of the flour, etc.

To make into cinnamon rolls:

Just roll 1/4th of your total unrisen dough into a rectangle on your greased up surface. Spread a nice thick layer of butter, then spread a lovely layer of brown sugar, then sprinkle with cinnamon liberally. Roll it up. Then use floss or whatever your preferred method is. Let rise 15-20 minutes. Bake 20 minutes or until tops are browned. Spread with your preferred icing.

This dough could easily be used for:

Pizza (just don't let it rise ), Breadsticks, Braided or filled Loaf, Cinnamon swirl bread...

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