Sunday, March 8, 2009

Authentic Mexican Flan

Recipe status: This is a recipe that my mom was taught over 50 years ago while serving a Spanish Speaking Mission. It is easier to make than I thought.
Song: Southern Lands - Cetu Javu

1 1/2 cups sugar, divided
8 eggs (3 whole, 5 yolks. Save the 5 egg whites for omelets?)
2 cans evaporated milk (has to be Carnation brand)
1/2 tsp vanilla
Dish towel, or cheesecloth

In a 9 inch round cake pan, caramelize 1/2 cup sugar over medium heat. Once completely melted, turn the pan around and around to coat the bottom and sides with the sugar. Set aside to cool. 

In a medium bowl, combine 3 eggs, 5 egg yolks, vanilla & both cans of evaporated milk. While beating, slowly add 1 cup sugar until completely blended. Once blended, pour into cake pan through the cheesecloth to make it completely smooth. Place the cake pan in a larger casserole dish and fill with an inch of water. Bake @ 350 for about an hour. Flan is done when knife comes out clean. Texture will be soft, custardy. Place a larger plate with raised edges over the cake pan and flip to release the flan onto the plate. Let cool, although it is good warm.

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